Our patron
Professor Andrew Wilkie
Professor Wilkie is the clinical geneticist who identified the gene mutation responsible for Apert syndrome and the molecular pathways underlying this and other craniosynostosis conditions. He is Nuffield Professor of Pathology at the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine at the University of Oxford and an Honorary Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Our trustees

Charlotte Ashby
Charlotte was born with unicoronal craniosynostosis

Paul Cornell
Vice Chair
Paul has a son with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome

Charles Edwards
Charles has a son with sagittal craniosynostosis

David Coleman
David has a son with Apert syndrome

Dr. Caroline Hilton
Caroline has a daughter with Apert syndrome

Prof. Mehran Moazen
Mehran is Professor of Biomedical Engineering at UCL

Darren Sloan
Darren has a daughter with bi-coronal craniosynostosis

Lucy Pearse
Lucy has a son with metopic craniosynostosis

Neil Bowyer
Neil was born with Saethre Chotzen syndrome

Laura Melles
Laura was born with Apert syndrome

Richard Williams
Richard has a son with Mercedes Benz Pattern craniosynostosis

Zoe Hilton-Webb
Zoe was born with Apert syndrome
Mark Lindfield
Mark is the father of Hannah-Kate Lindfield, who was born with Pfeiffer syndrome
Our staff

Karen Wilkinson-Bell
Charity Director

Donna Connett
Charity Administrator