Headlines is the leading UK charity supporting people with craniosynostosis and other rare craniofacial conditions.
Our vision is for a world where the physical, psychological and social impacts of craniosynostosis and rare craniofacial conditions are no more.

What we do

Our objectives are to:
provide support for people throughout their life to overcome the physical, psychological and social impacts of living with craniosynostosis and rare craniofacial conditions
facilitate research that seeks to advance understanding, ensures the provision of quality care, and identifies the best treatments for craniosynostosis and rare craniofacial conditions
raise awareness and educate people to improve public understanding of craniosynostosis and rare craniofacial conditions.
​We seek to achieve this in a variety of ways, including:
the provision of a confidential helpline
producing newsletters, an annual magazine and a range of information leaflets
arranging events to bring those living with rare craniofacial conditions together, including an Annual Family Weekend
facilitating support groups
organising conferences and information days
working with the NHS and others to improve care for those living with craniosynostosis
supporting innovative research projects that address our Top Ten Priority Research Questions